
Sunday School


The Sunday School classes at Richmond Hill are designed to offer a combination of small group Bible study with the fellowship of others. No matter your age or place in life, we have a class for you!

  • Time
    10:00 AM
  • Leader
  • Call
  • Location

Sunday School starts at 10 am and is divided into the following classes (room location in parentheses):

Children & Youth

·       Preschool I [Nursery] (Office Building)

·       Preschool II [Ages 2-3] (Office Building)

·       Preschool III [Ages 4-5] (Educational Building)

·       Bible Learners [Grades 1-2] (EducationalBuilding)

·       Bible Discovers [Grades 3-4] (EducationalBuilding)

·       Bible Searchers [Grades 5-6] (EducationalBuilding)

·       Youth [Grades 7-12] (Family Life CenterUpstairs)

Adults & Seniors

·       College & Career (Family Life Center, Rightof Stage)

·       Young Adults (Fellowship Hall)

·       Singles (Family Life Center)

·       Adult Combo I (Family Life Center)

·       Adult Combo II (Educational Building)

·       Adult Combo III (Educational Building)

·       Adult Women (Educational Building)

·       Adult Men (Sanctuary Basement)

·       Senior Adults (Sanctuary)



Vision Statement for 2023
Positively change the world through a better me and a better we in 2023"
We want to grow closer to Christ individually and work together collectively to change the world around us.